Emanuale Feronato has posted a list of the most popular games on the Mochi Ad network. I’m not sure exactly where this list came from, but Wicked Pissah’s games are there at #283 (Gravity Pods) and #330 (Pile O’Bubbles).
See the full list here:
New Game! Pile O’Bubbles
Here’s game number two for Wicked Pissah Games!
Pile O’Bubbles is part puzzle, part action, part strategy. You start with a couple of blue bubbles connected by an elastic thread, resting on a bed of small green bubbles. Your job is to get one of the blue bubbles into the blue target area. You do this by inflating the green bubbles to lift the blue ones up.
Sounds easy enough. But did you ever try to control a pile of bubbles? Pile them up, avoid the various obstacles, and make it to the target to complete each level.
Gravity Pods 2.0 Level Editor Preview
One of the most requested features for Gravity Pods 2.0 is a level editor so people can create their own levels, or just make setups to fool around with. This is something I had in mind from the start, but it is quite an involved project, so all the levels for the first version were created by hand-editing xml files. But a visual editor is definitely in store for version 2.0. Here’s a preview of it in action:
I’ll actually be using this editor to create all the levels for version 2.0, and hope to even have many of the levels created by someone(s) other than me. So if you are interested, let me know, and when things are further along, maybe you can help out. It’s also totally my intention to release the editor so others can make their own levels to play themselves or share with others. Hopefully we’ll get some kind of system up here so you can upload your levels and share them with the world. Voting, contests, prizes, who knows?
Wow, what a launch!
So I launched Wicked Pissah Games late Sunday night. I don’t think more than a few people saw it til Monday. As of mid-morning, I was a little disappointed. Then suddenly things exploded. By early afternoon it was on the front page of Digg and now has over 1300 diggs. On the digg comment page, there are almost 100 comments, with people posting cheats, screen shots, hacks, and bugs. Dozens of blogs and other sites have reviewed and linked to the game. My favorite comment so far is, “I made it to level 13, and proceeded to punch myself in the nuts until I got up from the computer and walked away.” As a developer trying to make an addicting game, you don’t get much better feedback than that. 🙂
One of my recent favorite sites, Jay Is Games did a full review on the game. Traffic has spiked out of control. Luckily I have a terabyte of bandwidth per month, so I’m safe there. On the business front, I’ve gotten a couple of requests to license the game, and my Google ad revenue has increased by about 100x. Not bad for the first couple days!
A lot of people have posted various issues with the game, such as the aiming mechanism going out of control (the only real “bug” I see) and other improvement suggestions. I’ll definitely be looking into all these, along with some ideas of my own and putting out a next version. I’ve also been thinking of making a visual level editor and have other people contribute to making the levels. Oh, and I can’t forget to make some other games as well. Many ideas in my head, a few started on, a few still brewing.
So thanks for all the support. Keep the suggestions coming.
…and we are live!
Sort of. I finally got the site looking somewhat like I want it to – lots of WordPress hackery to make it look more like a site and less like a blog. Pretty much finished up the Gravity Pods game and sent it out to a few friends to check out. Well, it’s Saturday afternoon. I hope to launch by Monday morning. Watch out world! 🙂